Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Read Write Web: A Future Without Personal History

This article written by a 16 year-old boy named Michael Moore-Jones talks about his experiences with technology.  A life full of Facebook messages, IMs, Skype, Twitter ....and so on.  He highlights how his generation's form of communication has always been using some type of digital medium. I couldn't imagine never writing a letter to a loved one.  As technology continues to grow and expand, will this replace our ability to communicate with others socially?  There is something to be said about making a personal connection with another person with face-to-face interaction.  While communication via email, IM, or texting may be faster, picking up the phone or connecting face-to-face builds trust.  If you ask me, there is no substitute for personal communication.  

1 comment:

  1. I think there is something to be said about all new forms of communication. Many people were not fans of the telephone and feared it would be the end of writing. I still think there is a place for writing emails and communicating face to face. Skype allows that communication face to face over long distances, so I see that as a good thing. There will always be the good and the bad with new tech, it is the job of the teachers to show students how to get the most out of the tech that is available.
