Thursday, February 17, 2011

Education Week: Psst! Anti-Bullying Quiets Playground Gossip, Study Finds

This article written by Sarah Sparks highlights that early intervention decreases the chances of bullying occurring in the future.  The article mentions that having anti-bullying programs help to reduce bullying within a school.  I can't walk down the halls in my school without seeing or hearing bullying.  What could be worse than the bullying itself?  Those teachers and students who ignore it!  Why does this happen?  I think students are afraid to stand up to the bullies because they do not want to be bullied themselves and as for teachers, there is no excuse.  Typically you hear a teacher say they don't step in because they don't know how to effectively handle the problem.  The hardest form of bullying to detect are those that spread hurtful rumors.  I wish all schools had anti-bullying programs, my school needs one.


  1. We use a program called "Second Step" at our school. I teach the 8th grade one with our students. It really does get them to open their eyes and minds a little bit to their actions. I'm surprised sometimes at how seriously they take it. Then I remember that they really do care about each other, and if we allow them to talk about that and figure out their problems, that they will be better off for it.

  2. More schools are beginning them. The school where I was teaching was in the beginning stages of getting the program started. Bullying needs to be addressed at an early age. Children at all stages need to understand that there are consequences that come from this sort of behavior. Adults should never let this sort of behavior be allowed at home or school.

  3. Our district (K-12) has started a big anti-bullying program this past year. There is even a Facebook page dedicated to this anti-bullying program. A teacher oversees it and it is open for students, parents, and teachers to be members. They share stories and articles involving bullying. It seems like bullying is not as bad. If not, they are just being more discreet about it (which could be worse!). Yikes.
